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Linen Closet Organisation

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

If you have the luxury of a dedicated closet space for your linen closet, when you open the door what do you find? Neatly stacked and arranged piles where everything is easy to find or is it a case of prepare for the tumble?

To ensure your linen closet is of the neatly arranged variety, here are some quick tips to follow:

  1. Fit your shelves at the right height according to what you plan to store and leave a bit of room to allow air to circulate. If you are now building a linen closet, ventilated shelves are the best option for air circulation especially where there are linens you use only seasonally. The functionality of your linen closet should be determined by how often you need to use certain classes of items- for example, curtains can go on higher shelves and bulky comforters can be made lighter and also placed at the top of the linen closet in vacuum bags.

Image Source: Closetmaid

2. Streamline your collection of bed sheets and towels in particular and repurpose torn and tattered linens as cleaning rags. Then organise your linens by type and by room.

3. Figure out how to fold. Rolled towels are a popular option for closets where space is at a premium. Sheets can also fit back into the matching pillowcase to carefully coordinate


Photo Source: Listotic

4. Think about suitable on-shelf storage for your smaller linens like washcloths, table napkins and similar items that may get lost on a shelf. Use fabric bins or storage boxes with a label

on the outside.

Photo Source: Somewhat Simple

The usual organising suspects for your linen closet to enhance storage include baskets and bins, shelf dividers and storage bags (vacuum bags are the best).

And remember to add and change out baking soda or scented sachets to keep your linens smelling fresh.

#linencloset #organisingtips