One of the essential principles to remember on your path to be more organised is that it’s not about perfection. The main goal should be to ensure that your items are accessible and that you have an efficient use of space.
We conceptualised these organising challenges with that goal in mind. Further, we recognise that for most people, there is a struggle with only a handful of areas or clutter hot-spots but ‘it’s the little things’ that affect your peace of mind and how you feel about your home.
De-cluttering by whatever method or measure you use is THE foundation for all organising efforts.
Therefore, we intended to cover a broad range of rooms and mini spots within the home. If the particular challenge did not resonate with you, you could take a break, share your space and your own tips. Jump in at any point, but make sure you focus on the specific challenge through to completion.
We introduced a new space every two weeks- pacing yourself is so important in the process!
Along with our tips, we sought to include a mix of inspirational photos and our favourite product finds.
Most importantly though, we believe that you should keep your organising solution true to you. For instance, maybe a key basket to drop keys in works better for you than hanging keys on a rack.
We skipped a dedicated post for three of the challenges that would have been published directly on our Facebook page. They were so straight-forward and simple to do (once you dedicate the time to do them).
They were:
Challenge 26: Pitch broken stuff
Challenge 5: Repair and mend clothing and shoes you intend to keep.
Challenge 12: Return items you’ve borrowed.
Here’s a listing of all of our 2016 Organising Challenges:
Challenge 24: Sentimental Items
Challenge 23: Storing and Disposing of Medicines
Challenge 22: De-clutter Your Desk
Challenge 21: De-clutter Chaotic Counters
Challenge 20: Time to Deal with Toy Overload
Challenge 19: Minimise Food Waste and Sort Your Fridge
Challenge 18: What to Get Rid of When it Comes to Accessories:
Challenge 17: Neaten up your Nightstand
Challenge 16: De-clutter Old Electronics
Challenge 15: Lighten Your Linen Load
Challenge 14: Streamline Your Cleaning Supplies
Challenge 13: Hair Tools, Products and Accessories
Challenge 12: Return items you’ve borrowed
Challenge 11: Photos
Challenge 10: Clear Your Car Clutter
Challenge 9: Paring Down Books and Magazines
Challenge 8: De-cluttering Makeup
Challenge 7: A Décor Closet
Challenge 6: The Etc Drawer
Challenge 5: Repair and mend clothing and shoes you intend to keep
Challenge 4: Organising Under the Kitchen and Bathroom Sink:
Challenge 3: Organising Garden Tools
Challenge 2: Kitchen Appliances
Challenge 1: Electronic Clutter in the form of Email
Find them all in one place here.